I've been having an exceptionally productive weekend so I decided to reward myself with continuing this momentum and putting up another post. This week, my obsession is really just a continuation of a love I've had for the past couple of years.
Parks and Recreation is a fantastic show that's been around for the last four fall television seasons. Initially I didn't get on the
Parks and Rec bandwagon because I unfortunately thought it was going to be a less-funny outdoors
The Office. Oh my honky-dory goodness, I was sooooo mistaken. Two years ago, I was surfing on Netflix like I usually do and thought I would give this show a try (each episode's only like 25 minutes so what was it going to hurt?). For awhile they only had the first two seasons up, but they recently put the third up and it's awesome! The fourth season also started back up on NBC like two weeks ago so I'm actually able to be up to date on the happenings of Pawnee, Indiana. So who makes this show one of the best out there today?
#1 Ron F*****' Swanson!
I absolutely love this god-like man (You see that mustache right?). He is the director of the Parks and Recreation department of the Pawnee Government and could care less what anyone wants/thinks/fears. He is a rock that has very strong libertarian values and wants the entire government to crumble around him. All of his opinions aside, he is a truly caring person with the heart of a lion. He loves meat even more than I do. Was shaped by his two ex-wives and mother, all three named Tammy. That it's necessary that I, and now you, love this man.
#2 Leslie Knope
Amy Poehler is a genius here. That's all that really needs to be said. I personally find Leslie Knope's optimism inspiring. I wish I could be as goal-driven as her. She really has all of her ducks in a row (don't worry, I'm like 70 years old so I can use phrases like that) and that's all I really want with my life.
#3 Andy Dwyer/Bert Macklin
His childlike innocence is just so endearing. He's such a simple person with simple needs. Anytime he says anything I swoon. He's a real life shoe-shiner for God's sake! I didn't know they still had those! He loves often and hard. He's the lead singer/guitarist of a band that is usually called MouseRat, but has gone through such band names like Scarecrow Boat, Just the Shaft, and Threeskin (formerly Fourskin). He is introduced to us in the first season as a man who fell into a large pit and broke both of his legs. He is the man.
#4 Tom Haverford
Tom Haverford! This pint-sized man uses the government to his advantage to promote both his club and his own business Entertainment 720. His partner in crime's name is Jean-Ralphio. That might be the best name in the history of names. He gets this smile and look on his face when something goes his way that just kills me. He is also the inventor of the magical machine DJ Rumba which is half Rumba vacuum half iPod. He's very insecure about the way he looks and just wants to live the millionaire's dream
#5 April Ludgate
This is probably just because she reminds me so much of my younger sister Katie. She has a dry sense of humor and has a very difficult time expressing her feelings. She speaks fluent Spanish and has lived with a boyfriend in Venezuela. She loves Andy with all her heart but doesn't like to show it. She's also Ron Swanson personal assistant because she doesn't answer phones or let anyone borrow Ron. She likes people, places, and things!
So what are you waiting for? Go to Netflix/find a person you know with Netflix and watch every episode of this gem. I promise you will not be dis appointed. Just to give you a clue, when I need something funny but well-known on in the background I either choose Arrested Development or Parks and Rec.
P.S.~ I was really hoping that Pawnee was a real place that I could visit, but when I googled it, this is what came up: