Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Times, They are a Sizzlin'

How many "I'm back!" can one blog have? Apparently one more. Things have certainly been happening in the Woo since December. Some fairly large life events went down so I figure I would give everyone a little update. My last semester as an undergrad had its shaky moments (Je ne parle pas le francais bien) but it went by very quickly and with relative ease. I had my 22nd birthday at the end of March, which really just makes me feel older than dirt. Seriously, a girl in one of my classes was talking about Usher's "Yeah" song and how she was in fourth grade when that hit the scene. Ugh. Like so many men and women my age, as spring approached, I became anxious about what my future might look like. A bunch of my friends are staying at Clark to complete a fifth year masters program they offer here, so it felt like they knew what they were doing (at least for the next year). I hip hopped around the internet looking for any job in the arts since I would hate to be one of the many that gets a degree in liberal arts and doesn't use it. I've also recently become very interested in the auction aspect of art. As luck would have it, Skinner Auction and Appraisers, the largest fine art auction house in New England was looking for Auction Assistants. I applied in the beginning of April, went in for an interview (just to see what it was like) and got the job. All of a sudden, I had an option for the future. I talked to my family, and I decided to stay in Worcester for at least another year, working in Marlborough and trying to figure out what the future of my career might look like. It is only a part-time position so I went on the lookout for another job to supplement the work at Skinner. I went onto (which is an amazing site for jobs in the arts in New England) and found a similar position at a different auction house called Altair where they really just need help on auction days. I've already worked one auction there and had a blast. I was beginning to feel like the decisions I was making were the right ones for me.

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A blanket that I will probably be working on forever.

I graduated from Clark on May 19th with a major in art history and a minor in history. My whole family came up to celebrate, and it was kind of amazing to have everyone there supporting me. It was really the first time that both sides had been together and I really just appreciated the effort that went from both parties to make it into an amazing, and stress-free weekend. They were also around to help me move into my new apartment!!!! I'll put up pictures soon because I'm kind of in love with the place. It's a one-bedroom apartment that was just renovated in an old church built in 1865. It has so much character and the way I've been decorating it just makes it so personal and quintessentially me. I'm getting used to living alone, but I think I'm going to enjoy it. Between working three days a week, and the occasional weekend, it gives me a place to read, crochet, and hang out with my friends that stayed up here. It also has a bunch of room for people to stay over for a visit (wink wink nudge nudge to the friends to "the South"). I miss PA, but I think this change is a good one for me.

 I'm excited for what comes next, and I'm hoping the blogging regularly is a large part of that. I think it gives me an opportunity to connect with a larger community even while I'm rolling solo. So please, I'm going to try and reach out more and expect the same from anyone who is reading this. Thanks for letting my rant about the update. Anything massive happening in anyone elses' lives? Now I'm off to get ready since I have an auction at Altair today that I'm helping with the internet bids for.

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