Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm Back and I'm Free!!

Hello again Blog!!!Leave it to me to start something and not follow through. No more, that is the old Carlyand the new Carly is going to be organized, fresh, and exciting. Yesterday I had a bit of a wake-up call from someone very special to me and I've decided that now is the time to get my ass into gear and really make something of myself. My biggest problem is my lack of organizational skills. I think the state of my room reflects a lot on the state of my mentality: cluttered. I just seem to always have too much stuff going and no cohesive way of making everything work. I had a meeting yesterday with someone who opened my eyes to how screwed up I really am. My family has been saying the same things to me for years, but it feels so different to hear it from someone you've come to respect. Her biggest thing was that she can see the potential that I have, but I am constantly setting myself up for failure. I realized this on my own, but to hear it come from someone else was a whole new experience. 

Here's a little tidbit about me; I am an awful procrastinator and last semester was probably the lowest point in my life thus far. I let a fantastic opportunity slip through my fingers because of my own doing. Along with that, my grades began to slip and I just felt crappy. I was always one of those lucky people in high school that never really had to study to get good grades. Were my grades amazing? No. But I could live with what I was given to me. I was always behind the crazy assumption that a lazy B+ was better than a hard A+. That's just the mentality I have always had and for the majority of the time, I've been fine with it. Than last semester happened. I didn't do my work on time, and the work I did hand in was shoddy at best. This really manifested itself in my Writing About Film class. Every week we had to write a two page essay on a film, and every week Sunday would come around and I would scramble to turn in something that could be graded. I ended the semester with the lowest grade I've ever gotten.

I think these moments of lowness (is that even a word?) were just the things I needed. I will never let my procrastination and lack of organization get the better of me again. There is no reason for it! This semester is the semester I'm going focus on making me a happier, more organized person. I started off on the wrong foot, but I"m positive I can rectify this situation. The woman I talked with yesterday was very forward about how its one thing to say "I'll try to be better" and it's completely diffferent to have real steps that can make you better. I don't know exactly what those steps will be yet, but I'm working on setting them up. Last night, I did all my laundry and cleaned my room, which is a very non-Carly thing to do. Today, I've sent out the emails that have been eating away at the edges of my mind, and I've started writing for this blog again! I'm so excited to be doing something constructive. Destruction is for work sites, not for my daily life.

What about you? Are there days you feel completely at a loss in the chaos that surrounds you? How do you stay organized and get everything done on time?

P.S.~Sorry for such the heavy text post, I'm currently working on starting up a scheduled posting that I think will be a lot of fun and not so much "real world" stuff. I just needed to get it off of my chest. Sneek Peek: I'm going to start discussing movies so get ready for my first one...Snow White.


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