How great is this album cover? |
Saturday, January 28, 2012
What I'm Listening To: Princess Chelsea

Friday, January 27, 2012
They're Here...
I know I might sound a bit melodramatic, but those "cute" bugs that you always see in your garden are starting to really freak me out. It's probably because of the fact that they are really the only creatures in London that have done me any emotional harm. Seriously, they are out for blood. It feels like one of the plagues in my bedroom. The other night we had the window open because it was a little stuffy, and they apparently don't believe in screens for our flat so apparently things get in. I was lying in bed when I look up and there are like six ladybugs on our ceiling light. I'm pretty sure I saw two getting it on and trying to start their own colony. This would usually only be a little odd. What was weirder though is their obsession with me. I've woken up at least three times to a ladybug crawling on my bed mere centimeters from my face. I usually just flick them out the window and can handle them in small numbers. But this larger group of bugs seemed almost too biblical for me to bother with. I just didn't walk directly below the lamp and tried desperately to sleep with my mouth closed (for fear of an adventurous one finding it's way down my esophagus). Amanda was equally freaked out. We have now not opened our window for a few days (it may smell a bit like death in our stuffy room) and all of the ladybugs have since died. There might be warmth in our flat, but there's also a surprising lack of aphids. It's really morbid to find their crispy little bodies fallen on the floor. At the same time I'm glad I don't have to deal with anymore live ones. I don't really love insects, but I prefer ones that climb. Once you add the flying element, they are infinitely more terrifying. I'm told these bugs bring good luck, but they seem more ominous than anything. They also kind of bring to mind a pact I have with my mother about a certain ladybug tattoo, which again is creepy. I don't know. Maybe I'm just paranoid. You think? Well you don't have to deal the onslaught so there!
Also, ladybugs here are slightly different since they are more black with red spots. Like so.
Study Abroad

Sunday, January 22, 2012
A Letter (filled with both love and hate) to LUSH
Why you gotta be like that? Why do you have to be something that I've known about for centuries and yet have just stumbled upon recently? Why do you have to smell so good and make me feel all bubbly on the inside? But I think the most important question is: why must you have a store in my train station that I have to pass on my way home from work?! I hate you LUSH. A hate that could only be because of my love for you. I had my first excursion into the fragrant shoppe last Thursday after work before I took the tube home. I honestly went in there for a specific reason/need. It's getting to be a little colder here and my little cuticles needed some intense cream for them. I went in and the friendly salesperson immediately brought me to this lovely cream called Lemony Flutter cuticle butter. I've been using it every night ever since. It's got such a nice, playful aroma of lemons and it really gets down into my skin so that I have what I like to call "old lady hands." You know how soft your grandmother's hands can get? Well I managed to achieve this softness while still having wrinkle-free and spot-free skin. I use it on both my hands and feet with great success.I know we have them in the states, but they aren't readily accessible in good old Lancaster, PA, and I like supporting such a good British company. And it's good for the environment as well as the skin so that's a plus! I spent most of the day Friday looking at their website trying to decide some of their other products that I "need." In no particular order, the goodies I'm craving are:
- All of these bath bombs (and possibly some melts)
- This funky foot mask
- This luxurious hair treatment
- Any of these fresh face masks
- This all purpose ultrabalm would be great for traveling
- Once my cleanser runs out I would love trying this new cleanser
- This lovely exfoliator
- Just to name a few...
Obviously, I have a problem. It's slowly turning into an obsession, and I'm afraid that it might be the death of me while studying abroad here. If you could not be so enticing that would be lovely. I don't have the money to spend on this habit, although it might hurt me so. I'll just have to keep walking past the shoppe with my head held high and my eyes straight forward. Way to go LUSH. You're too awesome for me to function in normal society. Well done.
Carly B.
Study Abroad

Saturday, January 21, 2012
I'm Obsessed!: Bath Time
I don't care if you're 5 or 85. Everyone loves a good bath. Bath tubs are one of my biggest loves. I don't think I realized how much I missed them until I started going to school far away from my large tub at my Dad's house. Lo and behold! I have a new tub in my flat in London. I've only been here two weeks and I have had three baths. I think I might be in heaven. There's something about sliding into a steamy hot bath and curling up with a water bottle (or glass of wine) and a nice book and just lying there for a good soak. The bathtub here is pretty long so I can comfortably fit with my back reclined. Last night, instead of going to the club with everyone else (we'll talk about that later) I decided to treat myself to a little bath time. I stopped by Lush on Thursday on my way home from work and picked up a luscious bath bomb to try. I ended up getting the cheapest just so I can see what it was like. It was absolutely fabulous. I decided to go with the Space Girl Bath Bomb and it was really lovely. It turned a water this pretty lilac-y color and I had little sparkles floating everywhere. I felt like a right little princess. I'm definitely going back to try all of the different bombs/melts that Lush has. I also brought my Nook into the bath so I could get some reading done. It's just so nice to have a time where you can really just focus on yourself without having to worry about the rest of the world. So go ahead and grab a good book and slip into the warmth of the water. Open your pores up and invite the relaxation. Just make sure you have enough drinking water to stay hydrated and don't fall asleep and drown (it's a worry of mine). Let's go girls. It's bath time!
I'm Obsessed,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Once Upon an Ogre
I know I should probably be putting a more Londony post up, but I've had this saved and now seems as good a time as any. See I can do both travel and silliness! So here we go.
There's something about Shrek that will always have a place in my heart. When did this come out? Like 10 years ago? Have you seen it recently? Because it still has everything I want in a movie whether it's a "kid's" film or not. I just remember my life as a series of what came before Shrek and what came after. Before I was always like Dreamworks who? And after they were forever the people who did Shrek. They got the perfect balance of kid humor with Adult attitude. I'm pretty sure it was the first movie (that wasn't Disney) that I can still quote from enemy. There are just so many great lines that are pretty applicable to everyday life. "And in the morning, I'm making waffles" is seriously a part of my everyday lingo. I think I almost prefer the second one to the first, but this is the real deal.

Shrek starts off with the title character Shrek the ogre (Mike Meyers) as he happily lives by himself. Shortly though, hundreds of fairy tale creatures appear on his property by the command of one Lord Farquaad (John Lithgow). He's a person of very short stature who has become drunk with power. It's never really revealed why he hates mystical creatures, but he banishes them to the ogre's land. Determined to remain a hermit he decides to go to Du-Loc to talk with the Lord. He is then sent on a quest to rescue a princess because surprise! Farquaad is looking for a pretty new wife. We find this out due to the talking magical mirror, but the real gem of the setting is Gingy the gingerbread man. Gingy is being interrogated by Farquaad in what ensues as this playful banter.
I cannot tell you how any times my sister and I have repeated this dialogue on a constant loop. It never is not funny. So Shrek starts the quest with his companion a talking donkey named Donkey (Eddie Murphy). They converse about onions and parfaits as they get closer to a dragon's keep that is every bit like a generic fantasyland castle. Through a series of errors, Shrek finds the Princess Fiona (Carmen Diaz) while the Dragon falls madly in love with Donkey. When the princess realizes the true identity of her rescuer she does the typical freak out and continues to insult Donkey!
After a few short jokes at Lord Farquaad's expense, the gang sets up camp for the night. Fiona mysteriously goes to sleep in a cave Donkey gets Shrek to open up about his social problems. The audience then realizes that there's more than meets the eye with this green monster. People hate him, so instead of reaching out to people, he's mean and pushes them away. But already we see Donkey breech the realm into friendship. The next morning the princess strolls in the woods ends up killing a bird and stealing its eggs. This is not very princess-like behavior but everyone seems to let it go. They then come face-to-face with Robin Hood and his band of merry man. Fiona shows that she can in fact take care of herself by opening up a can of karate.
Through a fantastic example of montage, the two soon realize that they might actually like each other which is normally great, but Fiona has to marry the Lord and Shrek doesn't think she could every love a monster like him. Fiona tries to postpone her future as they spend another night near a windmill. That's when we find Fiona's big secret. She's cursed so that at night she becomes a beautiful princess ogre instead of a beautiful princess. Is it just me or wouldn't you rather be an ogre than a plain human? I feel like you could do so much more as an ogre that would be wrong for a human. And she still kept her awesome hair so that's all that matters.
Fiona goes on to marry Lord Farquaad but Shrek comes in to break it up after waiting for the right moment. They express their love and with their "true love's kiss" she becomes an ogre indefinitely. They all very happy and live together at the swamp with Donkey still there to annoy them. This movie is so great. It ends on a happy note, has a lot of different references, uses the right amount raunchy comedy, and is full of all kinds different celebrities. What I really love about all of the Shrek movies is the music. Every single soundtrack is amazing and I've listened to them for the past 10 years. They just make me so happy and make me think of childhood. It doesn't really matter how old you are, you can still enjoy this gem. I'm lucky enough to have younger sisters so when I suggest we watch Shrek, it's not weird if I watch it with them. If forced I could always say it was their choice and I had absolutely no say in the matter. Shrek has all the elements that we love about a traditional Fairy Tale with a bunch of zest and contemporary jokes thrown in. This film will never not be funny and appropriate for all occasions. While you contemplate re-watching the classic that is Shrek, I'm going to go listen to the soundtrack. Rufus Wainwright's Hallelujah gets me every single time.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
London Ho!
So I've been in London now a couple of days, but it feels like so much longer. This is the first time that I really feel I have time to sit back and relax! I'm only going to start out with the first day and slowly work my way through to the other days in other posts. This wasn't meant to be a travel blog, but I think since I'm living in London now there might be more posts about where I've been and where I want to go. And isn't that what documenting your life is all about? Enough existential musings. Wowzers so much has happened. Let's start with the very beginning.
Amanda and I decided to get here a day earlier so we wouldn't have to worry about being jet lagged and exhausted when everyone else showed up. I raced to finish packing before we had to leave for our 6 o'clock plane. I finally got to the airport, said my tearful goodbye to my dad, and met Amanda and her family. Obstacle number one: I'm checking my bags at the counter and the lady informs me that I need to purchase a return ticket if I was going to London for three months. My heart literally stopped because I was really not ready to drop any serious money on another ticket. Luckily that sorted itself out since I had a visa already and could prove that I was leaving. I really turned into a day where everything worked out but in the most inconvenient way. Obstacle 2: Amanda accidentally had a tiny swiss army knife in her backpack that set off the security alarms. It definitely was not hers and they handed her bag back to her sans knife without too much worry. And then there was the plane flight itself. I'm one to pride myself on my sleeping abilities, and I can pretty much sleep anywhere. There was just something about the placement of the windows and where my head would lean against that did not mesh well. I was going to have to turn into a Tetris piece to get comfy. When I did manage to fall asleep, they would turn the lights on and it was time to eat breakfast. In my sleep deprived brain, I came up with this really great analogy comparing a plane ride to prison where everyone has to be on the same schedule in a cramped space without any real exercise outlet. But I digress.
We landed in Heathrow ahead of schedule at 6:30 am. Which would have been great if I didn't have to wait to go through immigration for the next two hours. I was so hot and miserable and uncomfortable, and cranky. I feel for Amanda in those first two hours. I was not a happy camper and she managed not to beat me senseless. Luckily we made friends with an awesome red headed american who was in front of us. We didn't get her name which is unfortunate because it would have been pretty neat to run into her and just hang. There was also this guy in line with one single dread lock and a brightly colored belt. Later that day, Amanda and I would run into him three more times in a completely different part of London. Tres bizarre. Anyway we finally made our way up to the immigration desks when news flash! We needed these papers saying that we could study abroad. Neither of us knew about such documents and we started freaking out and thinking they wouldn't let us into the country. The man I was dealing with wasn't very nice although I did flash him my best friendly smile. I guess the charm didn't work on him.
We finally got out of the airport after some pleading and paid a taxi to take us all the way into Bloomsbury where we were living. 70 pounds later, we were in front of the housing people's office and ready to walk inside and check in. When we entered, they looked at us like we were monsters (truthfully I felt like one). Apparently the two rooms we had booked earlier (and paid for) were not on record. That quickly blew over and they said that we could be in our flat by 2 pm that day. While I was happy to have a roof over my head, it was only 9:30 in the morning and all I wanted to do was shower and sleep. Instead we were forced to walk around our neighborhood. Now I would have originally loved a good walk to familiarize myself, but there's something about you not having a choice or say in the matter that made it seem like a chore. I was also still in my rain boots (which I wore on the plane so I didn't have to pack them). They're very comfortable, but not something I wanted to walk around in all day. Especially since I was wearing puffy short socks instead of the tall ones I should have been wearing. We started walking around Tottenham Court Road looking for a cafe and phone store so we could at least be connected. We found a Cafe Nero and hunkered down with some tea for the next half hour, but how slowly time moved. We then found our way to Oxford street which was very lively and had a whole bunch of great shops, but I was so tired by that point that I didn't want to do anything.
After some time we decided that it was probably time for us to have lunch although neither of us was hungry for food. We stopped by a pub to buy some sandwiches that neither of us really ate. By this point my rain boots were rubbing my calves raw and I was in so much pain. As we sat there the time ticked away until it was finally 2. We went to pick up our luggage, which luckily the office was holding for us until we could get into our room. They then gave us our key and we were off on the last leg of our journey. After struggling with the locks (which turn to the left here, not to the right) for a few minutes we climbed with all of our luggage up some very steep steps up to the third floor of the building where our flat was. There's also another flight of stairs in our flat, but we decided that sleep was more important than moving in. When we went up to our rooms, our beds weren't made. Not only were they not made (because I'm a big girl and can make my own bed), but there weren't any linens. This was about the time that I almost lost it. I just couldn't believe I was in a new city and all I wanted to do was feel clean and nap, and I was robbed of that liberty. I fortunately held it together and walked down to the office to ask for the linens. The man on duty said that the cleaning crew would be around shortly and do it. I just wanted the freaking linens! I would do it myself if it meant I could sleep faster. Instead I went home and luckily had a small pack towel on me (thanks daddy!) so I was able to hop in the shower and start to feel like a human being again. When I was done, the people came and made our bed. Then started the most epic nap of my life.
I slept from 4 until 11 that night. Amanda woke up and went out with our friend Kate and her boyfriend went out for drinks and I just kept sleeping. When I did eventually wake up, Amanda was downstairs and we chatted a bit before heading up to bed again. Now you might think that I wouldn't be able to sleep, but you would be sorely mistaken. I read a bit (Game of Thrones) and by 1 am I was ready to sleep for the night. We then woke up at 10 to screaming in our flat as the rest of the girls eagerly and excitedly discovered the ins and outs of our flat. There are six girls in the flat. Three from Clark, the other three from Sienna. It would have been very exciting to chat with them, but because of all of the struggle the day before, I had not consumed enough water and was severely de-hydrated. Some water fixed that, and the day started looking up.
(silly tired Amanda after our day of ordeal)
Although that first day was a big tranny hot mess, the rest of my days have been nothing but adventure and wonder. I'm almost thankful I got my worst day out of the way in the beginning of the trip so I can just enjoy all London has to offer now. This weekend we went on a few touristy trips and I even met up with a friend I haven't seen in two years. Those adventures will have to wait for another post. Sorry for all the words, but I needed to get that day out of my system. I'm just excited to experience school and my internship in this great city!
Study Abroad,

Monday, January 2, 2012
The film starts off with Officer John McClane (Bruce!) on his journey from New York to L.A. to spend the holidays with his family. We later find out that he has some marital issues that he's trying to work out. The only thing he seems to travel with is a large stuffed teddy bear for his kids and a gun because what else would Bruce Willis need? He gets a ride to his wife Holly's (Bonnie Bedelia) work building for the annual Christmas party. The limo driver is a guy named Argyle, and he might be one of the best characters ever invented. Argyle waits for John to come back with his wife just in case he's gonna get some as John enters the building. As he checks to see where his wife is he notices that she now goes by her maiden name. Ouch. Lucky for her, this change will eventually save her life. Heartbroken, John heads upstairs to meet his wife and her boss Mr. Takagi. He goes to the restroom and freshen up where he takes off his shoes in order to relax his temper. As of now, John McClane is just wearing a white wife-beater and black pants. No shoes, no socks. All of a sudden, shots are fired during the party and enter this guy.
Hans Gruber. He is my most favorite villain. He has brains, he is driven, and his German accent is to die for. Yeah, he's evil and wants to crash the capitalist system, but who's perfect? Does he look familar? He should because he played Professor Severus Snape in all of the Harry Potter movies. That's right. It's Alan f'n Rickman! He is the absolute perfect villain mastermind as he finagle's his way into complete worldwide capitalist failure. He's not afraid to kill a few people, and he most certainly does to assert his power in front of his hostages and fellow terrorists. He's even good enough to fake a nervous American accent and fool McClane into thinking he's not a German killer but a scared hostage looking for a way out. Silly John McClane. His one flaw is that he only knows what his enemy sounds like instead of what they look like. He ends up taking a radio, backpack (with bomb detonators), and machine guns from a poor German named Klaus I think. And by taking, I mean killing and sending his body down an elevator to show the rest of the Germans like this.
As McClane hides out from the enemy, they continue to try and drill through the company's vault so they can hold a large amount of bonds that will help them control the world. But that's not really important is it? Back to Bruce Willis. He manages to call in the police from his radio and quickly befriends a lonely cop who believes his story and that he needs his help. This helping urge comes after John drops a dead terrorist body on the hood of his car from thirty floors up. The copper just so happens to be the dad from Family Matters which makes complete sense for his character as he and John banter back and forth about the sticky mess they're in. Eventually the FBI and SWAT teams get involved as they surround the building and try to handle the terrorist threat. This obviously plays right into Hans Gruber's (great name) hands as he sends them on a goose chase to free radical people from prisons as a bargaining tool. But John's still on the run. Through it all though, inexplicably, his white wife-beater goes from bright white, to a dark black. There were a few explosions, but there's no way something could go from this:
To that. Really movie world? We're suppose to believe that it changed that much? Well I guess this movie can't be completely perfect or the entire world might explode. Speaking of explosions. McClane uses all his badassery (yeah that's a word) and blows out an entire floor of the building to deter the feds from entering to soon. There are a couple other deaths and we learn a little about the cop and McClane's life until the ultimate climax when the terrorists get the bonds and try to kill off all the hostages on the roof in one large explosion. McClane gets there in time to stop them and saved the day. In a turn of events, Hans almost falls off the building but grabs on to McClane's wife as he takes her as an exclusive hostage. As he hangs on for dear life, her expensive Rolex watch falls off and bye bye Hnas. He falls very slowly and epic-ly to his death. John McClane has saved the day. Hooray!!!!
There are some great little quips this film has that make it even more fantastic, but you have to go watch it to find them. It's really Bruce Willis at his finest. He's got a quirky sense of humor but the body and mind to be a great action star. Arnold and Sly have got nothing on Bruce. I may be a girl at heart, but I really love a good blowup, shoot-em-up movie like this that just puts me in the best mood. The sequels are ok, but you really just need this one. I'm sure other Bruce films will come up since I love him so much so fasten your seat belts. "Yipee-ki-yay mother f*&ker"!
There are some great little quips this film has that make it even more fantastic, but you have to go watch it to find them. It's really Bruce Willis at his finest. He's got a quirky sense of humor but the body and mind to be a great action star. Arnold and Sly have got nothing on Bruce. I may be a girl at heart, but I really love a good blowup, shoot-em-up movie like this that just puts me in the best mood. The sequels are ok, but you really just need this one. I'm sure other Bruce films will come up since I love him so much so fasten your seat belts. "Yipee-ki-yay mother f*&ker"!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The Day After
Happy New Year's Day everyone! I hope you all had a safe and fun night last night. At Camp Babione, things were kept low key, but still really fun. It was just me, my sister Katie, my mother, and Austin. We sat around watching an Adventure Time marathon on Cartoon Network which was a lot of fun even if it was juvenile. We then moved on to the main activity of the night: Game Night! I really like being home because we're a big gaming family and I kinda miss out when I'm away at school. Last night we played Name That Tune: 80s edition. Austin and I went through a huge 80s phase a couple of years back and we soak up trivia like a sponge so we usually rock. Last night, however, my mama cleaned house and beat all of us. She probably should have won since she's the only one of us that was around in the 80s. She kept saying how "busy" she was having a career and family and whatnot to care about the music scene. We then moved on to the Trivial Pursuit which is really where I excel. Austin and I decided to split up into two teams so that it was relatively fair. I was with my mama and it might have been the longest game of Trivial Pursuit ever. We just kept going without getting any puzzle pieces. Mama B was again nervous that she wouldn't know anything, but she certainly surprised me with her knowledge. She might not know Jane Austen quotes, but she knew that Longfellow wrote "The Ride of Paul Revere." Way to go Mom! After like two hours, Team KickAss (us) won!
By then it was like 11:30 so we switched the TV on to watch the ball drop. I think it's great that Dick Clark is still doing his New Year's Bash, but doesn't it make anyone else sad to see him? I know he had a stroke which affected his speech, but he's only 82! I thought he was much older. It's like they keep him around so they can attach his name to the television event. As we all know, the New Year came in without a hitch as thousands upon thousands of people looked up at a glowing ball in Times Square. Am I the only one that has no need to be there? I feel like everyone wants to go and be a part of that great mass of people, but it just seems like too many people to be anything other than crowded and hot. Maybe that's just me.
Right now I'm waiting for my meatloaf to finish cooking so we can eat dinner. I don't know about the rest of the world, but in Pennsylvania Dutch country (where I live) it's traditional to have a New Year's dinner of Pork and Sauerkraut to ring in a lucky and prosperous year. For a couple years my mother would make us this dinner (complete with applesauce), but I don't really like pork loin because it tends to be dry. Since I've become the cook of the family, I basically just make whatever she wants. This year, she decided on my delicious meatloaf. It's my Maxine's recipe and it's quickly become a favorite in the Babione household. I think she's also making mashed potatoes so it should be rather yummy. While I was cooking, Looney Tunes was on in the background and really just made me think of my childhood. I feel like Bugs Bunny had as much to do with my upbringing as my parents did. Maybe that's why I'm such a smart ass sometimes. Again Cartoon Network has had a marathon of old and new Looney Tunes all day which makes for a very happy Carly.
Tomorrow I'm spending a majority of the day with my Maxine (my step-grandmother) since this is that last time I'll get to see her for quite some time. I love spending time with her, and it will be nice to have a solo date with her for a bit. I'm thinking we might go to Tomato Pie Cafe in downtown Lititz. They have the best baked oatmeal and salads. We'd better go there now that I think of it. Anyway, here's to an exciting, productive, and unexpected New Year!!
New Year's,

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