I know I might sound a bit melodramatic, but those "cute" bugs that you always see in your garden are starting to really freak me out. It's probably because of the fact that they are really the only creatures in London that have done me any emotional harm. Seriously, they are out for blood. It feels like one of the plagues in my bedroom. The other night we had the window open because it was a little stuffy, and they apparently don't believe in screens for our flat so apparently things get in. I was lying in bed when I look up and there are like six ladybugs on our ceiling light. I'm pretty sure I saw two getting it on and trying to start their own colony. This would usually only be a little odd. What was weirder though is their obsession with me. I've woken up at least three times to a ladybug crawling on my bed mere centimeters from my face. I usually just flick them out the window and can handle them in small numbers. But this larger group of bugs seemed almost too biblical for me to bother with. I just didn't walk directly below the lamp and tried desperately to sleep with my mouth closed (for fear of an adventurous one finding it's way down my esophagus). Amanda was equally freaked out. We have now not opened our window for a few days (it may smell a bit like death in our stuffy room) and all of the ladybugs have since died. There might be warmth in our flat, but there's also a surprising lack of aphids. It's really morbid to find their crispy little bodies fallen on the floor. At the same time I'm glad I don't have to deal with anymore live ones. I don't really love insects, but I prefer ones that climb. Once you add the flying element, they are infinitely more terrifying. I'm told these bugs bring good luck, but they seem more ominous than anything. They also kind of bring to mind a pact I have with my mother about a certain ladybug tattoo, which again is creepy. I don't know. Maybe I'm just paranoid. You think? Well you don't have to deal the onslaught so there!
Also, ladybugs here are slightly different since they are more black with red spots. Like so.
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