Friday, May 20, 2011


I'm back from the salon and boy do I have red hair!! Unfortunately, the weather here has still been less than pleasant, and I believe it will really glow in the sun, so you'll have to wait for some pics of it. I've gotten some mixed reviews from the rest of the fam, but I personally love it!

I have a little confession to make. I love shopping. This might not seem like such a surprise from a twenty year-old woman, but It's becoming a bit of a problem. While I like shopping for clothes, I really like all the little things that come with being a girl. I guess I get it from my dad who is obsessed with any sort of gadget whether it be for computers or for camping. I'm the same way when it comes with hair and skin products. Through my various purchases over the year, I've been able to weed out the dud products out there that sound good, but in reality just cost a bundle and don't stand up to the hype. I've put together a little list of the products that I currently use and think that the world needs to know about.

These are two products that have become a must-have for my daily. The L'Oreal Go 360 Clean cleanser is awesome and cheap! I really like the scrubby thing. It gets my skin squeaky clean without causing any breakouts that I've experienced with other cleansers. The moisturizer is equally great. I've tried all of the different expensive moisturizers from department stores, but they all clog my pores which is a big no no. This one, since it is oil free, feels very light while still deeply locking in all the goodness.

Who doesn't love a facial scrub? And with a combination of pore scrub and Burt's Bees how can you go wrong. I've had some issues with other scrubs I've tried and they haven't been...well scrubby enough. I like a scrub that you can feel removing the dead skin cells (how scientific).Since Burt's Bees prides themselves on natural ingredients, this scrub uses real peach pit parts to help renew your face. I use this about once a week, and it's like a little facial in a bottle!

While we're on the discussion of scrubs, I absolutely love this body scrub. It's by the British company Soap and Glory, and what initially drew me in was the cute packaging. I'm a sucker for something in a cute wrapper. All of their products have a vintage vibe that I can totally get behind. Again, this body scrub has all the little granuals that you can actually feel working your skin. This is especially great right after shaving your legs. Silky smooth!

These two items are the main reason for this post. During spring break, I was with my mama in Target and I came across this new brand: Yes to.... They have an entire line that features only natural ingredients to promote the natural beauty in your skin. These are from the Yes to Carrots line (the other ones have cucumber, blueberry, and tomato depending on what you're skin needs are).On the left here is the body lotion that makes your skin feel baby soft. It also has this great clean sent that doesn't seem bogged down with a lot of perfumey smells like a lot of other lotions out there. On the right is the facial mask. It is this refreshing mud mask that feels good on and off the skin. I highly recommend both of these, and I can't wait to continue my collection these products!

Now lets move on to a little caption on my hair. Being born with pin straight hair is something that I used to see as a curse. I have always wanted curly hair, and have even endured TWO perms in my lifetime both with disastrous results. I've come to embrace the straightness and the fact that I don't need tons of product to tame my hair. With that said, the longer my hair has gotten, the harder it has been to keep its strength up. So along with strengthening shampoos and conditioners that I use, I've recently come across this.

I really enjoy having a nightly routine that I have to go through before I can catch some zzzs. I found this in the drug store the other day, and have used it religiously since. You rub it into your hair, focusing on the tips, and you go to sleep. It smells divine, and when I wake up, my hair is as soft as can be. My hair just feels healthier because of the botanicals used and the fact that it's sulfate-free means it won't make your hair dry and brittle. 

And there's just a little taste of what I have on my bathroom counter. What kinds of things do you guys use? I"m always on the look out for new and exciting things that I can waste my money on so please be honest. I've seen all of these products for sale at a number of Targets so they're all affordable and do great things for you! I am not getting paid to sell any of these things. It's just a way for a normal gal like me to give the world an honest view on a small fraction of stuff out there. Instead doing the whole blog trend of saying what people wish they could have, I've decided to do something on the things I already have. I just like keeping it down to earth. I hope everyone had a stupendous day and good night!


Rachel said...

I really want to try one of those rubber face scrub things!

Carly said...

I highly recommend them. It's like a mini-facial everyday! It feels weird not using it.

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