It appears that I'm going to be one that blogs at the late hours of the night. This pretty much fits into the rest of my life because I am totally not a morning person. I currently have my alarm set for 10:00 am and have trouble getting up that late. Luckily, I'm getting into a much better sleep schedule since my time in uni (I'm very excited to study abroad next year in London so please forgive any of the British quips that might appear). It's been nice staying up late with my sister and just talking about anything from boys to music. Although she gets up at 5 and seems a little less willing to chat too long into the night.
Anyway, not much has been going on here in old PA except for copious amounts of rainfall. There were flash flood warnings everywhere today as both rain and hail came pouring out of the sky. Is it just me, or does hail seem to be much more common in the recent years than during our childhood? I felt like it only hailed once while I was growing up, but in the last couple of years, I can hardly count how many times those icy balls of destruction have come down. Unfortunately when the worst of the thunderstorm started I was at my sister's riding stable to pick her up from exercising a horse. I took a little nap in the car and woke up to streams in the middle of the roads. Lancaster is full of hills and farmland so a lot of the times, these puddles can turn into some seriously dangerous problems. This rain is suppose to continue on for the rest of the week, so I don't know if I'll be able to go out and take as many pictures as I would like, but we shall see. That's part of the reason I started this blog. I wanted to have an excuse to take pictures so I can put them in one coherent space that isn't facebook since I don't really see why people would be interested in what kind of cereal I ate this morning (if you really must know it was honey nut cheerios with sliced bananas). My dream would be to start taking outfit photos like a lot of other blogs out there because I feel like I have a kind of unique style where vintagey hipster meets comfy chic. This blog just might be the thing that motivates me to put together new and exciting outfits to share with the rest of the cyber world.
So again, I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do with this new and exciting thing I've created, so until I find my footing please bear with me. I'm currently waiting with bated breath for my new Garren heels from Blowfish that I ordered on Saturday as a reward for finishing everything for my finals. I have been eyeing these seventies beauties for quite some time now, and I cannot wait to get my hands on them. I might just need to get a pair of bell bottoms to go with them. I'm so excited that fashion is now trending towards the sixties and seventies because I feel that these were the decades that reached their peek in beauty. The amazing amount of color and confidence in the women at this time is something that I admire greatly, and I love to wear clothes that compliment this same vibe. Does anyone else understand what I'm trying to say or possibly feels the same way? My mother thinks that it is a complete gas that I am now voluntarily wearing the same things she wore when she was in high school, but that's just the cyclical way fashion is now.
And with that I bid you a big Peace Out
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