Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Item of the Day: Pretzel Me This


So this past week is the first time this trip that I've felt "ready" to go home. I love absolutely everything about London, but I'm starting to really miss the things near and dear to my heart that I can only get in PA. I was bored the other day and just looking through Modcloth and saw this and immediately thought of home. Little known fact, Lititz (my hometown!) has been making Pretzels from scratch for the last few hundred years. Sturgis Pretzel House still churns out thousands and thousands of pretzels yearly. I don't mean to brag, but they have a pretzel making seminar where you can make your own pretzel and I am a pretty sick pretzel twister. I love soft pretzels, but most of my family is more drawn to the harder, larger variety. They're great with Herlocher's Mustard when tailgating a college football game. My mommy dearest used to take a glass of cold Diet Coke and dipping her pretzels into that so she got them sort of soggy with a salty-sweet taste. I kind of like it that way so you should probably try it. They're so Pennsylvanian and I kind of miss them. You really don't know what you might miss when you're away. This necklace is so cute and dear and now that it's on sale it's almost too tempting to pass up.

Katie, Me, and Simona in front of Sturgis Pretzel Bakery 


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