Monday, October 3, 2011

Let's Get Inspired: Cool Weather

I'm thinking about starting this new segment on  Framed Personality. If we open our eyes to the world around us, we'll find a whole host of things that inspire us. To me Inspiration comes in many shapes and sizes. I could be inspired to bake a pie, hem some jeans, read, a book. That's the beauty of it.

This week's inspirational theme is Cool Weather (and yes I'm going to capitalize it). It is now officially October which means Fall should be in full swing. These past couple of weeks in New England have been pretty warm and very humid. I'm so looking forward to the cool breeze outside and what I like to call Sweater Weather. I recently bought a bunch of cardigans on sale at my J. Crew outlet so I've been itching to wear them out, but it's been too stinking hot to do so! Bring on the cool.

Cool Weather inspires a lot of things in me. I'm not really into Spring Cleaning, instead I wait until this time of year to get my room/life in order. This weekend, the temperature dropped and I actually vacuumed my dorm room much to the surprise of my mother. I also don't really like coffee during the warmer months, but once the mercury goes down, I start my little Keurig and get the coffee brewing. The Fall also inspires a sort of polarity in me. I love taking brisk walks outside, and then coming into the warm and curling up under my duvet with a good book. I like the idea of both outside and inside within a small time span.

I also really just love looking out of m window onto the quad while the leaves change colors and start to fall. I just hope that the transition into Fall in Worcester is smooth. It's been really rainy and grey here. Bring on the clear blue skies and the subtle breeze and let's wear those cardis!

So what does the Cool Weather inspire you to do? Any other inspirations out there this week?


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