Yeah, I'm back. And I'm not going to go through the whole "I promise I'll try to write more" schtick. Everyone's heard it before and I really don't need to bore you with excuses.
So what have I been up to? Well my fall semester has finished with relative ease which means that I only have one more semester before I get my degree. What?! How did that happen? It seriously feels like yesterday when I was freaking out about the whole college thing (something Katie's been recently going through and is making me all sorts of stressed all over again). I spent Thanksgiving in New York with my family where we ate good food and spent a snowy day at the Bronx Zoo. Stress-free finals followed and I was on my way back to Lititz where I've been relaxing and chilling with friends and family. We were lucky enough to have a white Christmas which always adds a bit more magic to the holidays. It was so nice just to be around with family and cozy up with some hot chocolate (and amaretto).
I've been thinking a lot about making lists of goals I have. I've never been much for lists, but I think I just need something different and more directed in my life that I can easily follow. Instead of waiting to make some New Year's Resolutions next week, I thought I would start somewhere more manageable and shorter term and make some goals for this winter break (since it will likely be my last one for some time). So here it is in writing (or type, but you get the drift):
- Finish at least one book a week. It's only about 4 books, but at least it's something different than all of the academic articles I read for school.
- Take more pictures. I just need to get in a better habit of documenting everything either with my little point and shoot or my phone.
- Have tons of Jedark time. That's right, I'm in a Rock Band band and we're called Jedark and we're awesome!!!!!!
- Have some concrete ideas about what I'm doing for the summer/future. I might have to phone up a few friends and see what they're doing too. Interviews and more research for job/internship opportunities is a must. I think this is the most important thing on my list this break.
- Have some amazing sister bonding time. We're both going through a transition time in our life and I think we both need the stability.
- Organize my life a bit. My laundry, DVDs, nail polish: basically everything in my life needs to be more manageable.
- Take some time on my nails. I just got these new nail stickers, and I've been having such a fun time making my nails all pretty. I'll have to make sure to put more pictures up of them.
- Get up the courage to do just one outfit post. It just feels so weird going outside and getting someone to take a bunch of pictures of me. I just need to get over the embarrassment and celebrate my self-confidence.
- Work on finishing my chevron afghan. Oh right, I now crochet up a storm by the way. I'll have to write about that later. I'm loving this pattern though and I can't wait 'til it's finished.
- Brush up on my French. I'm taking a French course next semester for a language requirement, and I'm getting a bit nervous since it's been four years since my last French class.
So there it is. My first day of classes is January 14 so I'd better get going on some of these. Most of them seem attainable in the time given. I've already finished a book so I'm already off to a fair start. I think writing for this blog really helps me keep focused and organized so I guess blogging more goes along with this list. I already have some recipes and such lined up so keep checking back.
And on that note I hope everyone has a joyful holiday season. And I'll leave you with one of the most awkward Christmas photo ever taken of Katie and me. It wouldn't be Christmas if she and I didn't wear the same men's pajamas and do a half-assed titanic pose in front of a Christmas tree.