I ballroom dance.

That's right, I'm a part of my collegiate ballroom dance team where I dress up in gowns and am whisked around the floor by my lovely partner. I drive to different schools to compete against other dancers in waltz, tango, foxtrot, swing, cha cha, and rumba. And I have a blast.

Sorry to be so mechanical, I just wanted to get the facts out there before I go into my more flouffy reaction to dancing. When I was a child I did tap and ballet for a few years, but quit after it looked like I would need more than one day to commit to an activity. I wasn't a very driven child. When I was in high school, my mother actually took ballroom dance classes in town and would also compete with her studio. She's probably the one that made me want to do it. When I was looking at schools, one of the main reasons I was interested in Clark is because I knew they had a ballroom dance team. Next thing I knew, I was dancing at the Brown University Competition in November, and never wanting to stop.

For me, the best part about ballroom is having fun. It can be super intense and competitive if you let it be, but it's really just about the fun and trust you form with your partner and team. You learn a completely new set of skills and your body begins to do these things that you never thought possible.

This is basically just a plug for the nation of ballroom. If you've ever thought about doing it, then go out and do it. It doesn't matter how old, how big/small, or how rhythmically challenge you might be. Anyone can do it and they should! Especially if you are either entering college or currently attending. It tends to be significantly cheaper than getting outside lessons then when you're out of school. You also learn with your peers so there's no pressure if you get anything wrong. The only way to fail is to not try. So why not give it your best and see if you love it as much as me.

I think the reason I started writing this was because I am currently deflated in my bed after two days of back to back ballroom practice getting a choreographed dance to be perfect and my muscles are pretty tired, and I'm exhausted, but I love it and would never want to stop dancing.

Here's the dance we were fine tuning for a performance we have next week in case you're interested.
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