So I went in looking like this:

And came out looking like this:

We decided that I needed a change. I knew I wanted the bangs, but we decided to go for the whole shebang. I think I ended up cutting 8 inches off my long hair. I was fortunate enough to be able to donate it to Locks of Love even though my hair had been color treated since my stylist said they recently changed their guidelines. Donating my hair has always been on my bucket list and I'm so glad I was able to do it.

I really love the way it looks. I've actually had to do something to my hair (blow drying) for it to look good. It's been fun and I love the way it looks both with and without my glasses. Only downside now is that they grow pretty fast and I'm a little to lazy/scared to trim them myself. I miss my super long hair and the weird things I was starting to do with it, but it's hair, and it'll grow back in no time. It's still long enough to put it up in various braids, but I'll be excited to when it's back to a longer length. I don't have many other pictures of the way it looks because I never seem to have a camera around whenever it looks good, but you know how it goes. I am loving the bangs and will probably be keeping them for some time.
P.S.- Sorry about the crappy image quality. You know how it is.
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