Wednesday, March 28, 2012
It's Actually My Birthday!
Yep, I turn 21 today. Well in Great Britain at least. I guess at home I'm still 20. But it's so nice to start off the day with a surprise visit from some new friends. That's one of the greatest things about studying abroad I feel; meeting new people/friends. I've already eating 1/4 of a chocolate cake and will have the rest for breakfast, lunch, and dinner tomorrow. I know I need to do some catch up of my weekend, but I'll save that for a day when I'm not celebrating. Today was good though, I went back two my new office at work and spent some time in the glorious sunshine. Amanda and I then went to go see Jersey Boys which was surprisingly better than I had expected. I'm sorry if I gave it any flack because it was thoroughly entertaining and the music is still running through my head. Seriously Ryan Molloy's voice was spot on for Frankie Valli. What a pleasant treat to start off what will hopefully be a wonderful day. I'll be sure to post more about my Germany trip later. I hope everyone has a great of a day that I think I'm about to have!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Update: What's Going On
Sorry for the brief absence but that art fair took a lot out of me. It was so much fun and we did really, really well. We're hoping to move up to bigger and better galleries where some of our higher-priced artists. We also moved into an actual gallery space on Old Street. I really love it. I was a bit afraid it would be a little too industrial since we were hoping to go for a stream-lined look. It's actually very cozy. There's a couch, and a rug, and wood floors, and a rustic table. There's also a lot of light which is great for days like today where the sun finally came out to shine it's face. It's still not as warm as back home (80 degrees!) but it's slowly getting there. I was in such a good mood that on the way home I stopped by this little boutique that's right by our apartment and bought a few skirts so that I can get spring-time ready.
I probably should be packing instead of writing this little update, but there's always more time later! I'm starting to get really excited because tomorrow I leave for Germany! I'm meeting up with my step-mom Julie after she's been working there all week and we're going to spend the weekend frolicking around Baden-Baden. I'm expecting a happy atmosphere, good beer, and a lot of amazing food that will probably contain words that have "nitzel" in them or foods that start with "sp." Either way I can't wait. She told me to pack a swimsuit so it sounds like we might get some swimming/spa-ing in before my little holiday is over. Has anyone else been to the Baden region? Again, I love London, but it will be so great to have a little time away.
And next week is my birthday!!! I always get excited and this year I feel like I might actually have a little party which is a pretty big step for me. Parties usually make me anxious since I usually spend the entire time worrying if people are having a good time. Not this year. I'm just going to worry about myself and let them deal with their own amusement. I'll definitely have to keep you posted (maybe even some pictures). I might do another post, but if I don't, I hope you have a good weekend (I know I will!).
Friday, March 16, 2012
Eggs Bloomsbury
So I'm a college student studying abroad in London for a semester. You might be asking: Carly, what do you eat? Going out over here is wicked expensive, and it just doesn't make sense to me to spend 10 pounds on one meal when that could buy me like three. I'm not going to lie, there are definite times when I'll eat pasta, sauce, and shredded mozzarella cheese because it's cheap and easy. I also eat a lot of smoked salmon (right Austin) because that's also yummy. I've dabbled in other family recipes like chili or baked ziti because I can get the most meals out of those. However, the other day I was hungry and I wanted something new so I made up this recipe a la Casey. She's always just throwing things together and it looks so yummy. I chose a slightly simpler route since my recipe only has four ingredients, and three of them are proteins. I'm sure it's not healthy for you, but it's delicious and easy and I feel pretty chic. So here it is Eggs Bloomsbury!
I'm not the biggest breakfast fan. I do the bad thing of skipping breakfast more times than not. When I do eat it, I prefer savory dishes like Eggs Benedict. I don't mean to brag, but my Pops makes a mean Hollindaise sauce that is so yummy. I didn't have the resources for that so here's what I used:
1 Slice of Toasted Bread
Goat Cheese
1 Slice of Salami
1 Poached Egg
First toast the bread and cover it with spreadable goat cheese like so:
I was torn between cheeses for this because I also had a yummy Halloumi as well, but I went for this since it was easier to spread and has a tangier taste as opposed to the salty (but delicious) Halloumi.
Then add your piece of salami. Again, this was something I just had hanging around so you could probably use any sort of lunch meat on hand. The salami added a really nice subtle smokey flavor which I quite enjoyed.
At the same time (or before/after your bread/salami step) poach your egg. Back home we have this uber fancy egg poaching pan thing. I do not have such luxuries abroad, but the other day I was in Sainsbury's and came across these little poaching pods. They are amazing. I love a good poached egg and after some practice I got the technique down. I'm sure they sell something like these in the States so you should look into it.
After the egg is poached to your liking (I like mine very runny so I can sop up the the yolk with my bread) flip it over on the top and enjoy! It doesn't look like much, but it is delicious! The cheese adds a familiar tang like the Hollandaise sauce but is much easier to make. I decided on the name since it is a complete rip off from Eggs Benedict. We live right by Bloomsbury so I thought it only fitting to adopt the name. And it makes total sense! It is the quintessential I-don't-want-to-spend-money-on-food-because-I'm-studying-abroad-but-I-got-to-eat food. I have one egg left and I just might go and make another one. If you try it out tell me what you think!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Affordable Art Fair Battersea 2012
I just wanted to do a little shout out to anyone visiting/living in the London area for the next few days. As I briefly mentioned in this post, Go Figurative has a stand at the Affordable Art Fair in Battersea Park. Tonight was the preview night so I went over to help the finalizing touches and make everything purty and check out the "competition." There are over 120 galleries participating and there's so much art galore. It's in the great space that they just put up over the week. If you're looking for something to do for the next few days, you should probably check it out. Who knows? Maybe you'll walk out with a great new piece of art. The fair is from the 15-18 of March in the Park (there's a bunch of signs, you can't miss it!). For more information, visit:
I'm Going to Overtake You!
You know how it's the simple things in life that keep you going? At least for me that's how it is. I just had a really nice self-reflection today while walking paintings across London. The other day I might have actually attempted some exercise and at the time felt really good about myself. Then yesterday I kept waking up from all this pain that seemed to course through my body. When I woke up, I almost didn't go to class because I couldn't move! I bit the bullet and plowed through our field trip to the Sherlock Holmes museum (which was so impeccably detailed it kinda amazed me). I even pushed through to go to Singing in the Rain with my dear friend Amanda. It was my birthday present from her and it was so much fun! Highly recommend it. It's not Gene, but he did a darn tootin good show of it. The only real complaint I have are the stairs going down to our seats. They were so steep! Even if I was feeling one hundred percent, those steps would have been a nightmare. I almost fell twice. Hey West End! Buck up on the health and safety! Anyway, I had a little victory when schlepping a painting around: I passed a person on the street while walking. I just had a Top Gear moment like I was driving in a race and "I've just overtaken someone! Yeah!" Of course two steps later my knee gave out and they passed right on by. For the moment, I had accomplished something.
I was also surprised by Amanda again and got to see Sweeney Todd tonight! Phenomenal does not begin to describe the experience. The lady playing Mrs. Lovett was none other than Imelda Staunton. You might know her better as Mrs. Umbridge from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. She was brilliantly funny, but for me the man that stole the show was Mr. Todd himself Michael Ball. I could listen to his voice for days. He had this great mixture of terrifying, crazy person meets tragic romantic which is exactly what Sweeney needs to be. I can't wait for their cast recording to come out. I must be getting better because walking home after the show, I didn't want to chop my legs off. Here's to a pain-free tomorrow of art fair going!
I was also surprised by Amanda again and got to see Sweeney Todd tonight! Phenomenal does not begin to describe the experience. The lady playing Mrs. Lovett was none other than Imelda Staunton. You might know her better as Mrs. Umbridge from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. She was brilliantly funny, but for me the man that stole the show was Mr. Todd himself Michael Ball. I could listen to his voice for days. He had this great mixture of terrifying, crazy person meets tragic romantic which is exactly what Sweeney needs to be. I can't wait for their cast recording to come out. I must be getting better because walking home after the show, I didn't want to chop my legs off. Here's to a pain-free tomorrow of art fair going!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Item of the Day: Pretzel Me This
So this past week is the first time this trip that I've felt "ready" to go home. I love absolutely everything about London, but I'm starting to really miss the things near and dear to my heart that I can only get in PA. I was bored the other day and just looking through Modcloth and saw this and immediately thought of home. Little known fact, Lititz (my hometown!) has been making Pretzels from scratch for the last few hundred years. Sturgis Pretzel House still churns out thousands and thousands of pretzels yearly. I don't mean to brag, but they have a pretzel making seminar where you can make your own pretzel and I am a pretty sick pretzel twister. I love soft pretzels, but most of my family is more drawn to the harder, larger variety. They're great with Herlocher's Mustard when tailgating a college football game. My mommy dearest used to take a glass of cold Diet Coke and dipping her pretzels into that so she got them sort of soggy with a salty-sweet taste. I kind of like it that way so you should probably try it. They're so Pennsylvanian and I kind of miss them. You really don't know what you might miss when you're away. This necklace is so cute and dear and now that it's on sale it's almost too tempting to pass up.
Katie, Me, and Simona in front of Sturgis Pretzel Bakery |
Item of the Day,

Saturday, March 10, 2012
Happy Birthday Mama B!
That's right! It's my Mama's big 5-0. I know she's been stressing about it a bit, but really I think she's fabulous at 50. Half a decade a go she came bursting forth into this beautiful world and into a new home. You've seen awesome historical events in your lifetime; the biggest one being of course the birth of me. We've had our ups and our downs, but I've always been your number one fan. While I love being in London, I'm sad I can't spend such a mile marker with you. I guess that just means that when we get back we'll hit the town and I'll buy you a few drinks, maybe at El Serano? Sounds like a plan to me.
Her Graduation Day |
This lady is the sweetest and funniest thing in the world. Do you see what I mean? Who could say no to that face? Well I have on numerous occasions but that was through the dreaded tween years and you really can't hold me against that. She may think that Katie and I mock her, but really we're just showing her the love. She's a favorite amongst my friends and her stories will always get you laughing. There's a reason we call her Mama B. She's more than a mother, she's like this burst of personality.
Lobster Wars in Maine |
Like any Mom, you might quarrel and bicker, but we always love each other. I feel that we have more good days than bad days and what more can a mother/daughter relationship want. We've talked about everything imaginable without a hint of shame or censorship and it's great. So Mummy, I love you!, and I hope you have the bestest birthday yet. I'll be home soon so we can have a proper celebration, but until then, we'll continue the skype dates and blog postings
We're on a boat. And Katie's having an attitude problem. |
P.S. There is a letter currently in the mail on its way to you. You know how I procrastinate with such things but it should arrive in the next week or two. We will have to discuss it's contents just so I know you "get it." Love!
P.P.S. Even if it's not your mother's birthday, call her up and tell her you love her and are thinking about her. I know it means a lot and takes almost no time. I love waking up in the morning or after a hard day's work to see a little text from her with a simple "Thinking about you sweetie" and I know she'd feel the same.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Guess What I Made...
What could these ingredients mean? That's right boys and girls, I baked a cake. From scratch. Yesterday was Casey's 21st birthdays (warning, there are a lot of birthdays this month) and for my gift to her I thought I would try to make her favorite cake: Red Velvet with Cream Cheese frosting. Normally I would just go to the store and pick up a Red Velvet cake mix and that would be it, but apparently Red Velvet is an American construct so I had to find a recipe on line and buy all of the ingredients. I don't think I've ever made a cake from scratch before. It actually went pretty well. The only really hard thing here is that everything's in the metric system, and we didn't have any real measuring cups/spoons. I couldn't find any in the stores either so I did my best. Our kitchen also only has one working light now so it's quite dark which adds for a whole new set of challenges. I think it turned out pretty well. It wasn't quite Red Velvet (I might have put in too much cocoa powder) but it was fluffy and tasty. I think the fluff comes from a little science experiment I was told to put in by combining vinegar with a little bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) to get it all bubbly. Melissa was in charge of the icing and I thought she did a great job. I made two cakes and I think they both got eaten. So happy birthday Casey!!
The party was a lot of fun. There were about 30 people in our little flat and it was themed as a typical College Party. And not just any college party, but one where the music was all from the late 90s early 2000s. It was fun to reminisce about some of the stuff that we used to boogie to in 8th grade. "Stacey's Mom?" "Beverly Hills?" "I'm Blue?" "My Heart Will Go On?" It was just a lot of fun. I"m not much of a party-er back home and I think this was the first time I had a genuinely good time at one. Although it was completely Casey's night, it definitely got me excited for the possibilities of what my birthday might hold.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Then I Saw Her Face...
So I've already written about my love for Shrek (you can find that here), but I have a whole new obsession with it now. Last week, Amanda scored four tickets to see Shrek: The Musical. I was obviously excited about the prospect of seeing one of my favorite films to song. Amanda, I, Missy and her boy Jack all went as a double date, and we had a wonderful time. It's been around on Broadway for some time now, but I was amazed to discover that it's considered a flop. I thought it was popular. Apparently it was spending more money than it was making in ticket sales. I really don't understand it. I had a wonderful time. It's been quite some time since I've had such an enjoyable and laugh-filled time at a musical. Were there the occasional potty humor jokes? Of course, but there were some real comedical gems thrown in there. And the music was catchy and upbeat the entire time.
Everything just seemed to flow perfectly. The set changes were divine. Even when we had to wait 45 minutes (they reopened the bar so we were good) in the middle before the dragon appeared due to "technical difficulties" it just flowed and was a genuinely good time. Lord Farquaad was so well done! The actor wore the top and on the bottom, he wore black with the legs overlayed. He walked/danced/ran/exercised all on his knees. Every time he came on stage, I really wanted to stop laughing, but I just couldn't! The things he was able to do with his top half while getting his bottom half to work in a way that was believable was just outstanding.
Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey were all great, but what really sold the show for me was the ensemble. Instead of thinking that a few individuals were good, they all brought something to the table. Their songs were witty and their comedic timing was almost always on the money. The pipes on the woman who played Gingy (as well as the Sugar Plum Fairy) really blew me off guard. Then there was the ugly duckling who could belt like no one's business. And the three little pigs, and the... You get the picture. They could all sing and all dance, and I was thoroughly impressed.
I don't care how old you are. This was a funny, good, and heartwarming show. When we left, I was still giddy from excitement from what I just saw. I felt like one of those commercials where they record people's reactions after seeing Hairspray or something. "Oh my god! I loved it! So wonderful! The perfect show!" That kind of thing. I really want to get a 5 year-old perspective on the show so maybe I'll see if Lily and Zoe will go see it with me. They love Shrek as much as I do and I think we would have a super fun time. Viva la Shrek!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Da Vinci? Yes Please
This is basically me trying to get a little art knowledge out there in the world. This is going to be a lot of basic information that I think we as humans should know. I thought I would start off with doing hopefully an artist a week (don't hold me to it). To begin I'm going to talk about an artist/inventor that everyone hopefully knows about just so you get a few facts. This is mostly influenced by the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit that I was able to score tickets to at the National Gallery a couple of Friday's ago [it was awesome!]. I also took a seminar on Leo when I was back in the state so I feel like I might know a little what I'm talking about. Since this is a blog, I'm going to mix the fact with my own personal opinion. Because of this I will not be talking about that smallish portrait with the woman who doesn't smile and has become famous for her mystery (you know which one I'm talking about, and if you don't: LOOK IT UP!). We're going to talk a little about his life, some of his paintings, some inventions, and even some drawings. This might be long but I just want to get the information out there, and I feel like people might want to know a little more than just about Mona. Because who needs Wikipedia when you've got me?
Leonardo da Vinci. Born in 1452 in the tiny town of Vinci Italy (thus da Vinci). He was a bastard but spend a lot of time with his father and father's family. His father was a notary and made an reasonable living. When Leonardo grew up a bit, he showed some artistic talent and his father had connections enough to get him a slot in Andrea del Verrocchio's studio in Florence which was huge for him. Verrocchio might be forgotten in the main-stream art behind names like Donatello or Brunelleschi, but he was a very talented painter/sculptor/architect and it would have been very beneficial for the artistic growth of young Leo (and it's Leo because we're on such good terms). He also happened to be at the workshop at the same time a certain Sandro Boticelli (huge Birth of Venus painting). He quickly surpassed his master and moved on to bigger and better things.
He had done some work in Florence, but decided to move along with his life. Now in his twenties/thirties, he was hired by the Duke of Milan as a musician. Who knew right? He might have actually presented the Duke with an inventive little instrument that was made out of a silver horse skull. Here he really hit his stride and produced what would be recognizable as Leonardo's. This is now the 1480s and he completes my favorite piece by him: Virgin of the Rocks. Although I prefer Madonna of the Rocks. But they're interchangeable so call it whatever you want.

Here we have the Virgin center with an angel on her left and a seated Christ child pointing/blessing the young John the Baptist. Way you can tell the two apart is that John's wearing his signature hair shirt (although it's a little hard to see here). What makes this painting so unique is the rocky and dangerous landscape. Kinda an odd place for such a meeting if you ask me but it could be referential to Leonardo's home landscape and a hearkening back to a more innocent time. One of the newer things I learned was that in the foreground, I thought they were all gathered beside a leg, but if you look very carefully, you'll see that nothing's reflected in the water and they are in fact sitting right beside a cliff ledge. Again, I don't know exactly why he chose such a hazardous place to put a baby, but he's kind of a crazy guy.
When talking about Leo, it's impossible not to talk about a technique he uses called sfumato. By my definition it is like a hazy veil is put over the entire picture. There are no hard lines, but instead he uses sort of a shadowy blurriness that as a more naturalistic quality. It's also a great word to say/impress your friends with. Sfffffffuuuummaatto.
Like any Renaissance artist, he did a fair number of portraits like this one. There's been some dispute about whether this is a true Leonardo, but I like to think it is. Like a traditional Italian portrait of a woman, she is seated from the waist up showing. This one differs because she's turned three quarters and is looking off into the distance. She has a very distinct look to her that seems like she's giving Leo all sorts of attitude. The purpose of such portraits was to show the wealth of the bride-to-be and really objectify her for the I like to think of this as Leo protesting such ideals. She's still physically separated from the viewer, but she's not taking it lying down.
I could drone on and on about The Last Supper or any number of Dan Brown books, but I don't really want to bore you with the details. This is just supposed to be a little taste of the art world for those that are interested. Art is something I'm very passionate about so I couldn't imagine a blog of mine where I wouldn't share it.
I could drone on and on about The Last Supper or any number of Dan Brown books, but I don't really want to bore you with the details. This is just supposed to be a little taste of the art world for those that are interested. Art is something I'm very passionate about so I couldn't imagine a blog of mine where I wouldn't share it.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Item of the Day: Super Man
Today's item is pretty wonderful and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so. My sister and I have this pretty huge love of knee high socks especially ones with wacky patterns. In high school gym class they were my way of silently rebelling the awful white and black uniforms we were forced to wear. Maybe if I had these I would be encouraged to run so that I could have my capes rush through the wind. Little known fact about me: I'm a pretty huge Superman fan. I just love how he's not a real person and he doesn't make sense but he still kicks some major tale. I was/am still obsessed with that 90s television show Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. It used to be on every morning on TBS and my family would all gather wrong to watch the super foxy Dean Cain don the spandex and take flight after a very young Teri Hatcher.I then discovered that it was on Netflix during my Sophomore year and had to watch it all over again. I can't recommend it enough! I don't really care if they're for men, I want these socks.
Item of the Day,

Monday, March 5, 2012
I'm Stressed and I'm Coping with it
So I know I'm supposed to be in London and enjoying the finest things life has to offer since I'm in my early 20s and I might only be here once in my life. BUT. I can't help but stress about my future. I've been looking for summer internships these past few weeks and have been trying to get all my ducks in a row. Last week I applied to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (fingers crossed) and I just sent in an application to the Baltimore Museum of Art. I have a few more lined up that I'll finish within the week and then I have to play the waiting game. That's really the part I hate the most. Why can't they just tell me right away whether or not they want me or not?! It's like applying to college all over again. I just want this constant struggle for summer internships to stop, but then I remember that for that to happen I have to start getting a job in the "real world" and that concept just really freaks me out.
Then there's the question about going to Grad School and what would be the best grad school for me. As much as I've always wanted to grow up and not be a kid, it's terrifying to leave that security. A few months ago, I was talking to a friend of mine about what our greatest fears were and his was the unknown. I could not agree more. I just hate the uncertainty of the future. Can't we just speed up time when I already have an awesome job in the curatorial department of an awesome art museum? But time doesn't work like that does it. I've decided just to breathe and do what I can in the present to ensure that my future will be everything I want it to be. I'm just going to be more positive about the whole situation. I don't think a song better shows this positive move like the one above. I've been listening a lot to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. It was playing just as I sent my BMA application in and I couldn't help but dance. Miss Amanda said that was the happiest I had ever been, and I think she's right. I believe I can enjoy the present while anticipating the future. It's just important to balance the two out. Has anyone felt this way before? How do you cope with it?

Happy Birthday Austin!
This is the cornerstone of our friendship |
I just wanted to give a little shout out to my bestest friend in the whole wide world: Austin. It's her birthday today and this little lady is turning 21 today. I'm super bummed I can't be there to celebrate with her since I'm hundreds of miles away. I take comfort knowing that she's surrounded herself with friends who will make sure she has the greatest day in existence!
She knows this, but I'm extremely jealous that her birthday is on the 5th. For you history buffs out there, you'll recognize this date as the anniversary of the Boston Massacre which is pretty cool. And, this is the bigger event, it is the anniversary of the day John Belushi died. I'm such a huge Belushi fan and that she has this connection and I don't kind of upsets me. So now you know a bit more about today's history.
I hope you had a good day girl. When I get back, and we're both 21 of course, we will have to go out and properly celebrate. It's going to be the best reunion ever! And Katherine is invited in on all of these shenanigans! It's so nice to have such good friends waiting for you back home...even if we did start such friendships under unconventional means. Austin, this song's for you.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
I'm Obsessed!: Cath Kidston
So today was a bit rainy, but I was able to spend the day with my lovely friend Missy. We've actually been pretty lucky here weather-wise since it's really poured twice since I've arrived. We didn't let the rain slow us down and we headed to Portobello Market. She hadn't been yet and I really wanted to go back. Unfortunately when it rains, it looks like a lot of the shops and stalls don't open up. I guess that makes sense because who would go out to a market in the pouring rain? Besides us I mean. It was a lot of fun and not crowded at all so we had free reign. I was able to buy a few more gifts for people (watch out Mama) and just have fun. I also tried to eat a strawberry and nutella crepe one handed while holding an umbrella without much success.
How cute is this dinosaur print? I'm in love. |
We occasionally would pop unto some shops to get warm and dry. There was all these cute, but expensive, clothing stores and then we hopped into this gem: Cath Kidston. It's been awhile since I've been in such a pleasant environment. There were all of these cheerful and super cute prints and they were just everywhere! I've seen the printed tote bags everywhere, and I must say that I might have to purchase one before I leave. Everything was very girly and had this vintage and authentic quality to them. Missy and I went a bit nuts. The bags, the kitchen goodies, and the kids section were among my favorites. I'm lucky that I have five year old sisters since I can buy all of the cute kids things for them. I picked up two sets of these and these hair pins for the girls. I might just have to borrow them though because they're very tempting. There was also this great Olympic print that they have now. I just love how it's "sporty" without saying THE OLYMPICS ARE IN LONDON!!!!!!
Buttons! |
I think we stayed there for about 40 minutes just walking around and falling more and more in love. When we did eventually pay for our things, I unfortunately got a little crazy and freaked out at the sales person (there was a mix up with the price she said and the price I heard which made Missy very amused at my misunderstanding). There isn't a question that we'll both be back there before our time is up. Missy also just informed me that there's a Cath Kidston store in Covent Garden which is much too close to be safe for my wallet. Hope everyone else had a good weekend. I'm going to go to sleep early tonight since I seem to still be nursing this cold I've had for the past two weeks.
Cath Kidston,
I'm Obsessed,

Friday, March 2, 2012
Lush Review: Butter Ball Bath Bomb

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Item of the Day
I thought that this might be just a way of sharing the various things on the internet that I've seen and subsequently want immediately. I'm trying to justify this as something different than an I'm Obsessed! post, and I think I've got it. When I'm obsessed with something, I constantly go back to it daily. This is more for something that I see and fancy. What better way to start than with this adorable tea infuser? I've been in tea heaven while living in London. Even the teabag tea tastes better than the stuff at home. Ideally this would be used in my beautiful future town house in the throws of Hackney. How could you have this and not smile? I love the Beatles, I love tea, and I love this. We all live in a...
Item of the Day,

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