Saturday, January 28, 2012

What I'm Listening To: Princess Chelsea

How great is this album cover?

If you haven't guessed by now, I have a pretty obsessive personality. So when I love something, I really love something. Music usually goes into this category. There's very few genres that I don't like (Country, you are the blaring exception to this rule). I'm always on the look out for a new band to listen to. Although a lot of the time, I'm not very "hip" on what the cool kids are listening too. I try my best not to care what other people think and just like what I like. This past week at work, I was talking to my colleague who happens to be from Estonia. She was playing a bunch of music, that was pretty chill, but still had that Rock/Pop feel that I usually gravitate towards. She then ended on a music video by  the band Princess Chelsea. She said that her boyfriend sent it to her after a fight with the message that they could be like that. The fight wasn't about smoking, but this little ditty is so catchy. I've been listening to it on a constant loop. There's something about the haunting tones mixed with the singing dialogue that I just really connect with. Some of my favorite songs are what I like to call "story songs." You know, the ones that tell a definitive story including dialogue. I was basically destined to love this New Zealand band and bought their debut album today. A lot of Chelsea's lyrics are done in a cannon style which I've liked since I was a kid (Kookaburra anyone?). One of her songs is even titled "Caution Repetitive." She reminds me almost of a female version of Fleet Foxes and their song "White Winter Hymnal"I also really liked the simplicity of this music video, even if the beginning drags on a bit (you could probably start at 45 seconds and be fine). So watch it and tell me what you think. If you don't get "and it harms your pretty lungs" stuck in your head then congratulations, you are stronger than me.


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