Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Rant Against Peppers

Why peppers? Why?! I consider myself someone who likes everything food-wise. My favorite food when I was five was oysters for god's sake. I pride myself on trying something new whenever I go out and I have a flare for the unusual. If most people won't eat it, I will. Right now, my favorite meat out there is rabbit (which isn't so easy to get in the states). With all that said, there are somethings that I really hate and will not eat. What's weird is that these are things that most normal people readily eat. The two head contenders of my loathing are celery and peppers. But mostly peppers. Especially peppers. I cannot stand that taste, and I feel like its become a sort of curse for me. Anything that has cooked or raw peppers in it is a no go for me. Over the years I've figured out how to eat around it, but I can still taste the pepper essence. I can even taste them when they aren't even involved. Example: this one time, my mother roasted peppers on a cookie sheet because she likes them (which I'm fine with). She then washed the pan and a couple of days later baked chocolate chip cookies on it. An entire batch of cookies was ruined with that awful pepper taste. She obviously couldn't taste it because she likes them, but I couldn't be near them.

People might find this aversion odd, but we all have our thing. My friend Amanda doesn't eat vegetables at all except in the form of a salad. It's just so annoying because peppers are everywhere. I want to like them, and I try so hard any time they come up. I can't. Love to, but can't. They're so colorful and bright and really brighten up a meal, but I can't eat with my eyes so they are a no-go. The idea of stuffed peppers is appealing, but it comes around to the taste. Taste is everything in food right! Whatever. This rant is just my anger against something that I should like. I have been taken down by those colorful critters. I can handle a spicy pepper if it's cooked up in a salsa or something. But regular bell peppers are the enemy and should be stopped at all times. 

Also, have you ever cut those things open? I'm usually on crutite duty in the house and have to cut them into slices which I would normally have no problem with. Unfortunately they look like this with minnie pepper babies on the inside which kind of upsets me since I have to throw them out. Gross and not something I want to eat. Stupid peppers (said with angry face).


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