Saturday, December 10, 2011

Update: I know, I know...

Hey guys! I know it's been like two months since my last post, but I guess you now know how my procrastination tends to runaway with me. There's been a lot of stuff going on in my life which I'll talk about more when there's actual time to update everything. But here's a little list of what's going down.

  1. My first semester of junior year is coming to an end! Monday is my last day of classes and I only have an art history paper and final before I'm home free! I should be studying/writing/cleaning, but I figured a little me time on this here blog is well deserved.
  2. The Holidays are right around the corner. I'm lucky enough to be a part of a family where half celebrates Christmas and the other half celebrates Hanukkah. I'm really excited because for the last two years, Hanukkah has been while I was still in school, 340 miles away from home. My friends here have been great and for all eight nights we would gather in my room where we "light" an LED Menorah I bought and sing the prayers before I open a little present sent from my family. It's been a nice little tradition, and I'm more than ecstatic to share a something culturally different (although my friend Simona is also Jewish). But there's really nothing like lighting the candles with your family and eating your body weight in latkes and brisket. Then there's the magic of Christmas! My mom's home right now decorating our tree with the ornaments from our childhood and I'm so excited to just bask in its awesomeness. I also know some of the gifts I'm getting and I am very excited for them.
  3. Lastly is probably the biggest thing going on in my life right now. Next semester I will be studying abroad in LONDON!!!!!!!!! It gets closer and closer with each passing day and I just get more stressed/excited. I've never been to the UK and getting the chance to live and intern over there is something that I couldn't have imagined. It's been a very stressful roller coaster of applying for the program, getting in, and recently having to lay down a large amount of dough for a visa. My loverly friend Amanda is joining me on this adventure and we are going to tear it up. Besides living and working in the city across the pond (yeah cliches!), but we're also hopefully taking 20 days after the semesters done to travel to Paris and all around Italy. I'm currently looking for deals on a trans-European pass so if anyone out there knows about any student deals and would like to share that information that would be great
Lots of really exciting things happening over here at Camp Babione and I promise to be a little more up on my posting, especially when I'm abroad. Wish me luck!


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