Monday, October 29, 2012

Riders on the Storm


Let's have a report of Hurricane Sandy from Worcester shall we? School closed today, and what do you think Carly did? I sat by the window crocheting and alternating between watching Monty Python's Flying Circus. It was just that kind of day. Who wants to really go outside in Hurricane-like gusts? Not this chikeepoo. I'll probably end this action-packed day with some reading and studying for a midterm I have in two days. I might just paint my nails if I'm feeling saucy enough. Since I cleaned my room and did laundry yesterday, I thought I could treat this day like a mini snow day like back in High School. We in the Massachusetts area are definitely having some heavy storms, but I know that it's nothing compared to what folks back home in PA are dealing with. I just know that the Lancaster area is very prone to floods and I'm hoping that everyone is staying safe and dry.

I hope that everyone affected by Sandy stays safe and smart as we ride out this monster storm together. It's hard to think of anything with the name Sandy as something horrific and disastrous, but that's the name we're given. I definitely think that Frankenstorm fits the bill a bit more.


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